The sense of boredom (from getting the same experience again and again) pushed people to look for something new. Those who did, survived better, so the evolution gifted us with not being satisfied with what we have ever.

Free will, does it exist? How much our decisions are predetermined? Under which circumstances?
The sense of boredom (from getting the same experience again and again) pushed people to look for something new. Those who did, survived better, so the evolution gifted us with not being satisfied with what we have ever.
We are motivated by our desires, aren’t we? And it seems that our goal is to indulge ourselves. Would you agree? But not all our desires are equal.
Imagine humans in savanna a million years ago. Everything is subject to survival, whether they hunt or listen to stories sitting by the fire. What are these story about? About hunting, of course.
Why unlimited indulging in savory pleasure is not good for you? If we still would like to taste something after we ate a lot already, does not it mean that the body indicates that more food is good for you?
Life responds to our desires the same way nature responds to scientific probes. It has its own logic that does not care about our desires. It is WE who have to adjust our understanding of the world and change it again later when the world behaves not as we have hoped. Scientists know it. And engineers […]
Quantum physics theory works successfully almost a hundred years already. But does it describes reality? Its “mysteries” and paradoxes excite our fantasy and desire to use them to explain all the not understood yet phenomena and conrtradictions.
Genes are playing a definite and now measurable role in the academic achievements. Today it is possible to predict already which child would need what kind of help in the school.
Emotions help, but should not control us. Recently, we have adjusted our understanding of the role of our emotions and the extent to which we can consider ourselves to be rational beings in certain circumstances