Bill Gates is worth listening. He is smart and has access to the best sources of information. He also does a lot for the humanity and does what he can to secure the great future for our children and greatchildren.

Let us try to peek into the future. Its seeds are already planted. And even sprouts are already growing. Let us try to notice them and prepare ourselves to their full maturity.
Bill Gates is worth listening. He is smart and has access to the best sources of information. He also does a lot for the humanity and does what he can to secure the great future for our children and greatchildren.
Communism fueling my hope again. It happened many times in the history when seemingly discarded and almost forgotten ideas came back again on a new level of understanding.
The aging gets us every second, but we still do not quite know what causes it or, better to say, there is no one prevailing view. But we are trying to figure it out and recently have developed several new practical approaches.
Magic pill. It does what countless hours of traditional treatment could not achieve – relieves a patient from a fear of his own memory about a terrifying event. The trick is to administer it at the right moment.
Genes are playing a definite and now measurable role in the academic achievements. Today it is possible to predict already which child would need what kind of help in the school.
We wish life would develop to our expectations. But the most we can hope is that the inevitable reality check will be not too hard. Today it is Ethereum’s turn to struggle through it. Will it survive? I think so, but…
The growing world complexity requires better prepared minds. One of the sources of such minds is gaming community. The whole generation has grown up playing on-line since the very tender age, and now some of this generation are applying themselves to the challenges of the real world.
Future is happening faster than we thought. It is happening now… Sometimes it hurts, but it will come anyway.
The most important obstacle for basic income is a moral obstacle. It is in the ideas that we still have about work. We still work with a very outdated definition of what work is.
Udo Gollub summarized his impressions from visiting Singularity University summit in Berlin on April 20-21, 2016 and posted them on Facebook. The presenters on the summit (and Udo) try to look into the future. They made many very specific predictions. I liked and could relate to several of them, so here I reprint some of […]