Articles related to : Java programming

Java streams 1. Intro

Java 8 stream is pull-based and can be used any time one uses Java 8+. It allows iterate of the values provided by the Stream object, which can represent a collection, file, or any other source of data.

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Lambda expressions 1. Basics

Lambda expression allows simplifying an interface implementation, but only in the case of an interface with one abstract method only (called a functional interface). Instead of creating a class that implements the interface (and pass its object as a parameter), a lambda expression allows to to pass in only the method body, without creating an […]

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Reactive programming 1. Basic idea

Reactive programming is considered difficult to learn, but it should not be. You have just grasp the very basic idea, and after you do, reactive programming becomes a more natural way to build data processing chain than the traditional procedural way.

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Java functional programming

Functional programming sounds daunting for those, who are not familiar with it. But in fact, it is a very easy and elegant concept that allows writing much less and more compact code that contains only the essential functionality – without any plumbing.

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OOD is easy. Just follow OOP.

Number of books written about Object-Oriented Design (OOD) is huge and growing. Same may be said about Object-Oriented Principles (OOP). But there is an innate relationship between the two. If you know it, both look much simpler.

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