We associate the art of classical antiquity with white marble. The word “classical” itself implies it. “Classical” means harmony of human body, profound meaning, respectful time distance and grand echo in the unbreakable silence of the museum, doesn’t it? A glimpse of white tunic in the midst of the colorful Mediterranean crowd or a white […]
Articles related to : Origin
Everything has an origin – the moment of time, the place, the reason, the creator. It is sometimes surprising to discover that many things and ideas we take for granted have their origin in the ancient and even prehistoric times. The knowledge of the origin and the history of the ideas and things help us better understand our time and our own world view.
Better than others
Civilization and its development depend on the availability of the resources and the skills to utilize them. The Middle East and Europe had in this respect a definite advantage.
Amazing Göbekli Tepe
It is almost 12,000 years old. Those who visited the site reported unforgettable experience. When I look at the images, curved on the pillars, I cannot avoid the feeling that it was done by a very talented contemporary artist. Not that I have superiority complex over ancient civilizations. Far from it. I think the humanity […]
Elephant Inside
Emotions help, but should not control us. Recently, we have adjusted our understanding of the role of our emotions and the extent to which we can consider ourselves to be rational beings in certain circumstances