The primary difference between communism and capitalism is not “totalitarian” or “democratic.” What delineates them fundamentally is the ownership of the means of production

USSR collapsed. It was a shot in socialism, which never succeeded and bears many valuable lessons.
The primary difference between communism and capitalism is not “totalitarian” or “democratic.” What delineates them fundamentally is the ownership of the means of production
War is bad by any account. Once it has touched you, you become convinced that those who wage it have no excuses.
Communism fueling my hope again. It happened many times in the history when seemingly discarded and almost forgotten ideas came back again on a new level of understanding.
Origin of the difference in the nation wealth. Why some of the nations live better than others? The prosperous ones just happened to get the good start in more favorable circumstances.
“I lived in a country where dying was taught to us from childhood. We were taught death. We were told that human beings exist in order to give everything they have, to burn out, to sacrifice themselves. We were taught to love people with weapons. Had I grown up in a different country, I couldn’t […]
The USSR disappeared legally in December, 1991. But it was dying for quite some time before and after that date. Not quite as long as Rome did, but it was not an overnight event either. I think we started to feel it soon after Gorbachev introduced his “reforms”. We did not know about the country’s […]