The Truth

When children, we were presented with a world having a single undeniable Truth. Then the ideological machine, morale, and popular myths–like an underlying current that moves all the boats in a certain direction—make us accept the presented point of view without thinking twice as long as it does not interfere with our lives and aspirations too much or too explicitly.

There are faraway mountains and stars—the human values of the highest order. But to use them for navigating and noticing the effect of the current requires skills that have to be either taught or learned from life itself over time. Without a good teacher, only over many years and after several disillusionments one is able to notice the drift and use the distant stars for navigating to the solid land.

Thus comes the realization that the Truth is not the same for all people at all times. Your Truth may look like the Lie in the views of other peoples of different cultures or even different families. Even those who taught you, sometimes change the tune and completely abandon their seemingly firm position.

And you come to the conclusion that everybody has their own Truth until we all navigate based on the shared human values of the highest order. Is it possible? Are there shared human values? I think, yes. I hope. I believe.

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