Life responds to our desires the same way nature responds to scientific probes. It has its own logic that does not care about our desires. It is WE who have to adjust our understanding of the world and change it again later when the world behaves not as we have hoped.
Scientists know it. And engineers too. And all other people who tried to build something in a certain way. So, the trick of avoiding disappointment is to observe how everything works without expectations. Like you do while growing a garden. Take care about your trees as much as you can and leave the rest to nature, learning from your mistakes and trying not to repeat them the next time.

That’s what I am trying to practice now observing the political battles in the US and all over the world.
Emotions are helpful as intuitive guides and the source of energy but beware of being driven by them. Humans should control their emotions with mindful considerations. Greed and a few other basic instincts are powerful forces that have to be controlled and channeled as nuclear forces. They should fuel the best in us, not the worst. We should become more creative than distractive.
It reminds me of the idea of acceptance and embracing your destiny included in all the major religions and cultural traditions. So, this wisdom is well-known for thousands of years. Yet, everybody comes to it in their own way. Now is my turn.
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