How to raise smart kids - Nick Samoylov, programmer and writer

How to raise smart kids

Those, who raised kids, know that parenting is not easy. Below are the bullet points I collected from an answer on Quora. You can read more details from the author Gordon Miller here.

I cannot add or remove any point from the list. With Luda, we are happy with our kids, in good measure due to the very similar view we held while raising them, I think. And I hope it might help you too.

1. Pick the mother (father) of your child wisely. Genetics do matter.
2. Mother takes care before, during and after pregnancy. A healthy lifestyle is very important.
3. After birth, stay home and interact with the child.
4. Talk, read and sing to the child as well as play music
5. Put kids in preschool by age 3. Interaction with the kids of the same age boosts brains development.
6. Elementary school (K-5). Teach them a foreign language very early.
7. Middle school (6–8). Yet another foreign language would be a big help too.
8. High school (9–12). Encourage taking many AP classes.
9. College (Age 18–21).
10. Postgraduate Education (Age 21–25).
11. Have multiple Kids.
12. Teach the kids that money comes from work.
13. Let kids start their own business at age 10.
14. Allow kids to invest money and make or lose it.

Cheshire Cat smiles
Caring mother…

– Honey, don’t eat this trash. Give it to your father.

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