The Random class provide methods ints(), longs(), doubles(), and their overloads thus allowing creating a numeric stream IntStream, LongStream, or DoubleStream correspondingly.
Articles related to : Java 8 streams

Java streams 11. Create from String using chars(), codePoints(), and lines()
A stream of characters (represented by integers – the code points of the characters) can be created from a string, using methods chars() or codePoints(). A stream of lines (strings) can be created from a string that includes line terminators \r or \n.

Java streams 10. Create from file
A stream can be created from a file that emits either the file lines or the entries of the files tree if the file represents a directory.
Java streams 9. Create numeric stream using range()
A numeric stream can be created by methods range(startInclusive, endExclusive) and rangeClosed(startInclusive, endInclusive). The new stream emits sequential values starting with startInclusive. The difference between the methods is that rangeClosed() creates a stream that also emits endInclusive.
Java streams 8. Create using Stream.iterate()
The static Stream.iterate() method returns Stream object that emits an infinite (or finite) number of values of type T, each produced by the specified UnaryOperator applied to the previously emitted value.
Java streams 7. Create using Stream.generate()
The Stream.generate(Supplier) creates an infinite stream of values of type T, generated by the Supplier object – a function passed into the method as a parameter. The Supplier interface has the get() method that returns the generated value every time the method is called.
Java streams 6. Create using Stream.builder()
The Stream.Builder interface has three methods: add(), accept(). and build(). The first two allow adding value to the stream being built. The method build() transitions this builder to the built state.
Java Streams 3. Create a Stream
There are many ways to create a stream (a Stream object). In this post we just list a few the most popular methods.
Java streams 5. Create using Stream.of()
The static Stream.of(T… values) method accepts values that are going to be emitted by the newly created Stream object at the request of the terminal operator downstream.
Java streams 4. Create from collection or array
One way to create a stream is to call the method stream() on any Java collection. Another way is to create a stream from an array using one of the static methods of java.util.Arrays.