Eventually, brains will be measured in minute details and digitized. The connections in your brains (connectome) will become reproducible. It well may be that the complexity of the connectome facilitates the emergence of consciousness.

Let us try to peek into the future. Its seeds are already planted. And even sprouts are already growing. Let us try to notice them and prepare ourselves to their full maturity.
Eventually, brains will be measured in minute details and digitized. The connections in your brains (connectome) will become reproducible. It well may be that the complexity of the connectome facilitates the emergence of consciousness.
If talking to AI via an intermediary, we are not able to distinguish between a human and a robot, does it mean that such a robot is conscious?
I wish I could transfer my thoughts to you without writing them down and you would send me your ideas too. We could cooperate all the time as one huge human brain. We would do things we even cannot imagine now.
Artificial Intelligence will continue being developed and will control our lives more and more. It will eventually take over, whether we want it or not.
Pretty soon our notion of privacy will disappear, replaced by the deeper layer isolated deep inside our brains. The good news, we will become more civil even in our thoughts.
Bitnation is another hope to overcome the historically formed unfairness of the resources distribution between nations. Now everyone can create their own nation, register citizens and provide them with passports, birth certificates and other traditionally state papers.
Do aliens exist? What are the chances of finding another civilization or any life form for that matter on another planet? I am skeptical. The Universe exists 13.5 billion years, while our civilization was born just a short moment ago by comparison.
We understand each other, including the intentions and the feeling of others. How we do it? What makes us feel the same way? The scientists discovered that there are specialized neurons that are activated in primates when they observe actions of others.
Skill downloading or acquiring it any other easy way was always a dream for humanity. Today it takes many hours and even years of training with the result far from being guaranteed. Besides, while the training going on, our motivation changes, we ourselves are changing, often unpredictably.
Focus on the goal is a powerful tool that helps to overcome insurmountable obstacles. But one has to be smart enough to see the limits of the approach and adjust the course or roll back the effort at all. Ability to do it is called wisdom.