Everything is moving and changing all the time. Why? What drives the change?

Interesting fact, opinions, stories.
Everything is moving and changing all the time. Why? What drives the change?
They did not have pasta or the Italian wines familiar to us. The wine they drank was white, very sweet, with honey, and a lot of alcohol. Well, they diluted it with water to more palatable taste—still very bad to the modern palate according to those who tasted it.
Eventually, brains will be measured in minute details and digitized. The connections in your brains (connectome) will become reproducible. It well may be that the complexity of the connectome facilitates the emergence of consciousness.
No Genghis Khan’s tomb or his children and grandchildren was discovered yet. They robbed vast territories and brought a lot of wealth back to Mongolia, but those valuable pieces have not turned up anywhere yet, not in any significant quantity at least. Why? Where are they?
The ancient world distances were smaller than in the modern world. But the speed was slower, so the world felt even bigger than today.
Today we know how helpful mathematics can be for solving the mysteries of the Universe. Why Leonardo did not use it?
Get hold of a skull. Observe the holes in the substance of the brain. Describe the tongue of the woodpecker and jaw of a crocodile…. Leonardo had an insatiable curiosity, which instructive to anybody who dares to think how the world works.
Being engaged and active in politics seems like the correct behavior of a responsible adult in a democratic society. But Leonardo was involved in politics very little. Meanwhile, he was a very able person, a very perceptive observer, who saw things as they are much better than a vast majority of other people. And yet, […]
Leonardo Da Vinci conitnue to impress with its abilities. His biography by Walter Isaacson brought him closer to us and resolved many “mysteries.”
An American in the Red Army? Russian war correspondents of WWII could not believe their eyes. And yet, it was true. Nicholas Burlak not only fought along with his Russian friends, he even went all the way from Stalingrad to Berlin.